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Decision Tree for License Review

Licensing reform! JC&A has decided to post one of our regulatory reform tools for general use.

This is the Decision Tree for Licensing Reforms that we’ve developed to guide reviews of several thousand licenses over the years. The first page helps you determine whether a license is needed and the second page helps you determine how to design a license if it is needed. Clearly, there is a great deal of conceptual content behind many of these brief boxes, and we conduct staff training around this Decision Tree, but, even so, this summary sheet can guide reformers in the right directions.

The first page clarifying the purpose of the license is critical. What we find is that many reformers focus on simplifying regulations and licenses that are unnecessary or actively damaging to economic and social activity. The first decision is always “Is it needed” before you get to “How can it be simplified?”

This document is not formatted to be printed but rather to be used on screen where it can be enlarged and you can zero in on areas of interest.

If you use this document or print it or reproduce it, kindly acknowledge the JC&A copyright.

Decision Tree for License Review Jacobs Cordova Assoc FOR GENERAL USE Jan 2025