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JCA News

“Jacobs, Cordova & Associates, international leaders in regulatory reforms described the RIA as one of the pillars of business regulatory reform strategies by the government.” https://todayingh.com/were-very-much-on-track-in-making-ghana-africas-trade-hub-ahomka-lindsay-21408/  

The economic and good governance logic of “better regulation” is complicated. JC&A developed this useful figure to summarize the logic of reforms to regulatory systems. Approved for reprinting with copyright statement. https://regulatoryreform.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/The-Logic-of-Reforms-to-Regulatory-Systems.jpg  

Scott Jacobs was pleased  to be part of a workshop on Regulatory Impact Analysis in Indonesia, hosted by the Coordinating Minister for Economics Affairs, Darmin Nasution, and the Asian Development Bank in Jakarta. Here we are with the Minister, and with the talented RIA team in the Ministry.