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The objective of this project was to provide technical assistance to the RIA Unit of the Council of Ministers of Peru (PCM) and to selected public entities of the Executive Power for the implementation of the new Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) obligations set by the Government in April 2021. The work consisted of coaching time for 10 ministries and agencies preparing a pilot RIA each. This customized support and advice to the 10 RIA technical teams was organized around general webinars discussing the six steps in drafting their respective RIA report. The project also provided specialized technical advice to the RIA Unit, the Multisectoral Commission for Regulatory Quality (i.e., a collegiate body whose purpose is to evaluate the RIA of regulatory projects submitted by public entities), and other involved stakeholders in charge of mainstreaming the new requirements.

Based extensive RIA experience, JC&A worked with the RIA Unit, 10 ministries and agencies and other key stakeholders to:

  • Identify and define public policy problems.
  • Advise on the identification of regulatory and non-regulation options
  • Support for the application of methodologies to identify and evaluate regulatory impacts
  • Undertake regulatory public consultation
  • Address compliance strategies, as well as monitoring and evaluation

The project also assisted the RIA Unita and the Multisectoral Commission for Regulatory Quality on increasing capacities in evaluating the quality of RIA reports

Peru, PCM-Promsace, 2021-2022.