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The general objective of the consultancy was to establish the methodological bases for the creation of the regulatory impact analysis system in the Dominican State, in order to strengthen regulatory governance through ex ante and ex post evaluations of the regulatory proposals emanating from the public administration, in order that the regulations generate greater benefits than their costs.

Within the framework of this consultancy, 3 products were requested:

  1. Methodological guide for the preparation of regulatory impact analysis (RIA) in the Dominican Republic, which considers the realization of RIA ex ante and ex post, which incorporates practical cases that serve as examples to allow understanding of the guide, and Take into account the experiences of other countries on RIA issues.
  2. Manual of procedures for the elaboration of the RIA that delimits the stages and activities to be carried out for the realization of the RIA taking into account the current regulatory framework and that includes evaluation criteria of the regulatory proposals that require RIA.
  3. A Final Report containing recommendations for the application of the guide and the manual, as well as a training proposal for the institutions that issue regulations.

Funded by UNDP, 2020.