This project was part of the Business Enabling Environment Programme from DFID, which addressed the need for an improved Business Enabling Environment in Ghana. The assignment aimed to develop a work plan (including budgets) to undertake reforms of business operating licenses and permits to reduce the time it takes to get these licenses/permits. In close collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD), the work performed focused on three areas of intervention:
- Streamline construction permits processes under the purview of the MLGRD and other institutions where there are gaps.
- Update the process review of the Business Operating Permit and Business Development Permit to rationalize and merge licenses and processes and simplify and standardize payment methods, including e-payment systems.
- • Support the development of systems and procedures for staff, including training and improving the quality of the information provided to the private sector.
JC&A also analyzed the convenience of applying the guillotine approach to drive reforms in this area; assessed the technical capacity and ownership of reforms by the MLGRD team and related institutions to drive the reforms; assessed MLGRD monitoring systems and the ability of the organization to establish baselines and generate program monitoring data; and considered if some elements of the reform could be implemented on a piloted basis
Ghana, DFID, under contract to Coffey International, 2015