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JC&A, in association with Legicon SRL of Romania, implemented a World Bank-funded project to develop a strategy and a tentative action plan to improve the quality of public services in Moldova. To achieve high-quality and cost-efficient public services, the reform strategy focused on ensuring adequate institutional arrangements, financing from the national budget (and appropriate channeling of revenues collected by service providers through the national budget), improving supervision of, and accountability for, ensuring access and quality of public services, introducing explicit published standards for public services, and establishing clear and effective mechanisms for exercising individual or collective right for recourse. The project involved analyzing public services rendered by the central public authorities and developing a strategy with a vision, goals, and an outline of more efficient and accessible future service delivery mechanisms. The project also included creating a methodology for setting quality standards, identifying recourse mechanisms, and proposing principles for developing tariff levels and a tariff approval and publication system.

Moldova, Government of Moldova, 2011-2012.